
How to nominate someone for #TesterOfTheDay

Tester of The Day is a daily celebration of the excellent contributions made to the testing community. Winners are announced on Twitter and LinkedIn using the hash-tag #TesterOfTheday. On Twitter the @TesterOfTheDay bot also re-tweets that hashtag.

Winners are also listed on the Tester of The Day website, in the Testers Hall of Fame!

Started in 2020, the award is now in the 3rd year. You can view the complete 2020 and 2021 hall of fames at and

Who can be nominated

Quality is everyone’s responsibility, and the craft of testing can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their designated role in their current job. So naturally anyone can be nominated to win Tester of The Day.

Past winners have made impactful contributions, at their place of work, to the wider testing community or personally to the person who nominated them. All these contributions are valuable and deserve celebrating!

What to include in your nomination

Please include Twitter and LinkedIn social media links for yourself and the person you’re nominating if at all possible. One of the benefits to the winner is the opportunity to gain followers, and for the community that they can discover great people to follow!

For the Nomination text, please give some insight into how the nominee made an impact on you, their teammates or the wider community. This is your chance to celebrate their success, as the nomination text is used on the Hall of Fame, Twitter and Linkedin.

Note, if the nomination text is too long, it will be truncated on Twitter, I will do my best to cut the text down in a way that makes sense.

Fill out the form

The key form to make a nomination can be found here:

Please fill out all the fields you can, including your own details so I can credit you for your nomination!

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